One of the biggest joys of being a nurse practitioner is the satisfaction of being able to help others achieve their health care goals. One of the lesser joys, however, is the tedious process of recertification. Are you unsure of how many hours you need, or even the right place to get them? Luckily, we are here to help!
There are many different branches within the title of “nurse practitioner”. You could be in family practice, acute care, adult gerontology, psych, or even women’s health. Depending on your section, there are different rules for recertification. In this article, we will help you learn a little about each one.
Family Practice Nurse Practitioner
According to the AANP Certification Board, you need at least 100 hours of advanced continuing education credits to qualify for recertification. 25 hours must include pharmacology.
ANCC recertification requires providers to complete the mandatory 75 contining education. All certificants renewing a CNS or NP certification are required to complete 25 hours of pharmacology as a portion of the mandatory 75 CE hours.
If you’re struggling to find affordable ways to obtain these hours, look no further! We offer an online Family Practice Ready course that provides CE credits! We are approved by AANP. Click here for more information:
Psych Nurse Practitioner
To recertify as a psych nurse practitioner, you must combine professional development with either 1000 practice hours or take the ANCC Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner board certification examination. Regardless of your route, you must hold a current, active registered nurse license and complete 75 hours of continuing education. For more information on potential resources, you can visit this website:
Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
ANCC recertification requires providers to complete the mandatory 75 contining education. All certificants renewing a CNS or NP certification are required to complete 25 hours of pharmacology as a portion of the mandatory 75 CE hours.
The good news is that we offer our very own Urgent Care Course! It is one of the most popular courses we offer online and continues to amass many positive reviews. This course includes an e-learning portion and a live session that offers suturing techniques! If you’re interested, check out this link for more!