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Welcome to NP Prescriber January Guideline Updates.…Keeping you in the know 
Block 7th
Block 9th
Block 11th
Block 13th
                                              HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU & YOUR FAMILY!
As the new year 2022 begins, We are so excited to keep you in the loop of all about our new and existing continuing education courses as we strive to keep our patient’s healthy and meet their health care needs. That’s the life of a nurse practitioner!
There’s always so much happening in health care, but we can’t forget to recognize how grateful we are for you and how important that you are always in the loop!
We are so excited about all the things we’ve got going on—and coming up. We hope you’ll continue to be the biggest part of it!
Thank you for joining us in 2022. We wish you a blessed and prosperous new year and hope to continue to be a big part of your pursuit of learning clinical skills.
thank you for being my fellow PRACTITIONER & HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Dr. Oji & NP Skills Team
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